Sunday, October 23, 2011

Seeger & Guthrie Join Occupy Wall Street Movement

Last weekend the Occupy Wall Street movement got a little boost from a visit by some protest heros of the past. Perhaps the most venerable was 92 year-old Pete Seeger, who has spent his life singing and protesting for social and economic justice and equality. Seeger and his grandson Tao Rodriguez-Seeger joined the protesters in a march, and then gave a performance in the park. Joining them in performing for the protesters was Arlo Guthrie (son of legendary activist and singer Woody Guthrie).

It was good to see these icons of past protest generations lending their support to the Occupy Wall Street movement. As the protests across the country have shown, this is not just a movement for young people. It is a fight for economic justice for all age groups, and we must all stand together to have a chance of actually changing things for the better.

I do have a question for some of the other heros of the past protest movements. Where are you? The fight is not over. There is much more to be accomplished and you are needed. Getting older does not excuse you from fighting for social and economic justice. Just ask Pete Seeger.

1 comment:

  1. Pete Seeger deserves not only a Nobel Prize but a monument on the DC mall. Won't happen anytime soon, but the fact remains. And where are the others indeed? Dylan? Sold out apparently. CSNY, collectively or individually? Joan Baez? Where are they all? There are plenty more who ought to be out there leading the charge, too. They are conspicuous in their absence.


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