Sunday, February 05, 2012

Nevada GOP Defines Incompetence

I live in Texas where the Republicans have been in complete control of state government for quite a while now, so I am very familiar with Republican incompetence. That ingrained incompetence has frustrated me for years now. But I have to admit that the Republican leadership in Nevada makes that of Texas look like a well-oiled and smoothly-running machine.

Nevada held its Republican caucuses on Saturday, with most of them starting at 9:00 am. There was one caucus that started after dark, but even it was over by 9:30 pm. It was not like a huge number of people showed up for these caucuses -- less than 50,000 people (less than 12.5% of the state's 400,000 registered Republicans). And yet at 7:30 am on the following morning, they had still only posted about 70% of the vote because they were not finished counting it. How can that be?

Iowa had over 100,000 people show up for their caucuses, and those caucuses were held in the evening. But by midnight they had the votes all counted and reported. New Hampshire had over 200,000 people vote, South Carolina had over 600,000 people vote, and Florida had over 1.3 million people vote -- and yet all three states had their votes counted and reported no later than 1:00 am. Why then, 10 hours after the last caucus was over (and 21 hours after most caucuses had ended), has Nevada been unable to count and report less than 50,000 total statewide votes? There can be only one reason -- an utter and complete incompetence on the part of Nevada's GOP leadership.

Some of you probably wonder why that should matter. After all, the talking heads on TV have already told us that Wall Street Willie was the winner. That's true, but it's not the only thing that matters. It matters who finished second and third and how many delegates each candidate earned, because that has a bearing on future campaign funding and how long candidates might stay in the race. Those things may only matter to a political junkie like me (and the candidates themselves), but they do matter.

Can Nevada Republicans really be satisfied with leadership this incompetent?


  1. I guess we can't expect too much from a state that gave us Sharron Angle...

  2. forgive them..they don't know any better..dumb fucks.


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