Saturday, June 30, 2012

It's Only A Step - Not The Answer

Obamacare doesn't fix our broken health care system -- but it's a big step in the right direction (and probably the best that could have been done at the time). Hopefully we can, in the not too distant future, actually fix the system by instituting single-payer government-run health insurance that covers all Americans.


  1. I am on a committee that divides up AIDS money in Houston. We had Health and Human Services come down a few weeks back to talk about the changes in the upcoming years as a result of ObamaCare, and they brought up things I had not heard about elsewhere.

    Things like the % of our patients who will be qualified for Medicaid will increase from 20% to 75-80"% and they won't have to qualify as disabled under Social Security stardards to get it.

    AND how older folks (in their 50's) will be able to buy into Medicare at a younger age than they can now.

    These are back door ways into single payer.

    And no one is talking about it.

    I'm no huge fan of Obama, but his people might know what they're doing.

  2. damn..Katy I didn't know that...thanks..and your right Ted, its a step in the right direction.


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