Friday, September 14, 2012

Alcohol And Marijuana

This graphic (found on the blog of Yellowdog Granny) sums up pretty well the idiocy of our drug laws. Our "leaders" tell us those laws are in place to protect the American people and keep them safe. But if that's even remotely true, then how is a drug that kills many thousands of people every year through overdoses (alcohol) legal, while a drug that is so safe that not a single case of an overdose death has ever been reported is illegal. Doesn't that seem backwards?

The truth is that our ridiculous marijuana laws are not now (nor have they ever been) in place to protect the public. They were originally put into effect as a tool to control minorities and social activists -- and that is still there purpose. Alcohol could have been used the same way, but it happens to be the drug of choice of the ruling elite.

It's time to legalize the gentle herb known as marijuana, and then regulate it (similar to how alcohol is regulated) and tax it heavily. That would not only make much more sense than current law, but it would also create many new jobs and provide for a lot of new government revenue -- both of which are badly needed right now.


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  2. This is because you can't actually die from an overdose of Marijuana.


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