Thursday, September 13, 2012


1 comment:

  1. I will try one more time to inject either reality or honesty into the list provided by Obama supporters.

    The war in Iraq was ended on the schedule set by George W. Bush and Nouri al-Maliki in the last months before Bush left office. Obama played no role whatsoever in the schedule set for our troops leaving Iraq. That is not ideology or hating Obama or supporting Bush, that is a simple fact. Obama did not end the war in Iraq.

    Obama tried valiantly for almost two years to negotiate with Iraq to have theose troops remain longer in Iraq but was unable to get agreement and was eventually forced to bring them out on the schedule set by George W. Bush. So not only did he not end the war in Iraq, he tried to extend the war in Iraq.

    Go to your newspaper archives and look it up. They were reporting about the efforts by Obama to get permission for our troops to remain longer. It was no secret, but Democrats are brazenly rewriting history to claim that he "ended the war" despite many written records to the contrary.

    AP, Oct 21, 2011: "Administration and Pentagon officials had hoped to secure Iraqi-government approval for a larger troop presence in Iraq into 2012, with the U.S. recently pushing for a final figure of around 10,000. But administration officials have lately come to believe that approval would be hard to get for anything more than a few thousand troops."

    Withdrawla was 100% on 12/21/11 per Bush/Maliki agreement.


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