Wednesday, March 18, 2015

All Marriage Is A Civil Union And A Civil Right


  1. Simple fact know BY EVERYONE but denied by the 85% who want as much xtian sorry-ass laws put in place as possible.

  2. My first marriage was officiated by a judge in his office in Comal County, New Braunfels, TX and the judge signed the marriage license. My second marriage was in my home, officiated by my neighbor in Birmingham, AL who was a Presbyterian minister and the marriage license was signed by him. I was married (for real) both times. The Judge and the Minister were licensed by each state and both were agents of each state duly licensed to perform a marriage ceremony and sign the license. To my way of thinking, a marriage license sanctions the rights of two people to live together and to have certain rights sanctioned by the state like the right of inheritance. In the middle ages, marriages were sanctioned by countries and states to legitimize offspring and preserve estates. Marriage didn't start out as a religious ceremony...

  3. And Even if religion did START marriage? It has moved beyond that and became like Xmas a secular activity so the religious argument is still BS.


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