Saturday, May 09, 2015

Will Clinton's Age Affect Her Electability In 2016 ?

The Republicans know they are in trouble in the 2016 election unless they can somehow trash the image of Hillary Clinton and diminish her popularity. They have tried a variety of fake scandals so far -- Benghazi, Clinton e-mails, contributions to Clinton Foundation, et cetera. But the public has seen through all of those efforts.

But there is one thing that cannot be argued. Hillary Clinton will be 69 years-old when elected in 2016 -- and some Republican politicians are trying to infer that her age will be a liability. They seem to forget that their hero, Ronald Reagan, was 69 when elected for his first term and 73 when re-elected. In other words, they're being more than a bit disingenuous.

But the important question is what the American public thinks. The Reuters/Ipsos Poll decided to find out. They queried 1,752 American adults between April 23rd and 27th (and the survey's margin of error is 2.7 points).

It turns out that most Americans don't see Clinton's age as a problem at all. About 80% of the public say it would NOT make them less likely to vote for her -- including 90% of Democrats, 83% of Independents, and 67% of Republicans own base. It looks like the Republican politicians will have to try and come up with something else.

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