Thursday, October 17, 2019

Public Approves Of Gov. Health Insurance (& Private Also)

These charts are from the recent CBS News / SSRS Poll -- done between September 26th and October 2nd of a national sample of 1,292 adults, with a 3 point margin of error.

The good news is that Democrats are winning the health care debate. About two-thirds (66%) of the public says they are in favor of a government health insurance plan for all -- including 34% of Republicans, 67% of Independents, and 91% of Democrats.

But that does not mean they support a "Medicare For All" plan like those proposed by Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren -- a plan that would replace private insurance with government insurance. About 59% say they want the government insurance to compete with private insurance plans.

"Medicare For All" supporters shouldn't be discouraged though. Creating a public option for insurance is the first step toward a "Medicare For All" reality. I doubt private insurance could compete for very long with a good public option, but many people with private insurance need to see that for themselves.

This should not discourage Democrats from voting for Elizabeth Warren. While she would like to eliminate private insurance in favor of a government plan covering everyone, she's also a realist. I think she would sign a good health bill that falls short of her dream -- a plan that creates a viable public option (covering all who can't afford or don't want private insurance) and reduces medical costs.

We will eventually get a government-run health insurance plan that covers everyone, but the time is not right yet. Even if Warren (or Sanders) is elected president and Democrats take control of both branches of Congress, it will not happen. There are not enough Democrats (or people in the general public) that support it yet. But a public option could easily be passed -- and that's a big step toward it.

We progressives need to be pragmatic. Getting to our goal in steps is much better than not getting there at all.

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