Friday, July 07, 2006

Sprinters Claim 6th Stage Of The Tour

Once again, the Peloton was able to reel in all breakaway attempts, and set up the sprinters for a dash to the finish. Robbie McEwen [Australia] took advantage of this to win his third stage in this year's Tour de France. Daniele Bennati [Italy] finished second in the stage and Tom Boonen [Belgium] finished third. This puts McEwen in excellent position to win the sprinter's Green Jersey.

I haven't been discussing the race for the Green Jersey because I consider it to just be a minor part of the Tour. These sprinters have almost no chance of winning the Tour overall. They usually fold like a cheap lawnchair when the race reaches the mountain stages. Sprinters like to hide in the safety of the Peloton until a couple of hundred yards from the finish line, and then race hard to try and snatch a win. They are very fast, but only for short distances. It takes power, grit, and an uncanny ability to withstand pain, to win the overall title. The mountains will deal harshly with lesser riders. Here are the current overall standings:

1. Boonen [Belgium]
2. McEwen [Australia]..........12 seconds behind
3. Rogers [Australia]..........21 seconds behind
4. Freire [Spain]..........25 seconds behind
5. Hincapie [USA-Discovery]..........25 seconds behind
6. Hushovd [Norway]..........27 seconds behind
7. Savoldelli [Italy-Discovery]..........35 seconds behind
8. Landis [USA]..........36 seconds behind
9. Karpets [Russia]..........37 seconds behind
10. Honchar [Ukraine]..........37 seconds behind
11. Kessler [Germany]..........37 seconds behind

17. Zabriskie [USA]..........43 seconds behind
21. Julich [USA]..........45 seconds behind
23. Popovych [Ukraine-Discovery]..........47 seconds behind
24. Vandevelde [USA]..........48 seconds behind
25. Leipheimer [USA]..........48 seconds behind
27. Azevedo [Portugal-Discovery]..........51 seconds behind
46. Rubiera [Spain-Discovery]..........1 minute & 5 seconds behind
55. Gonzalez [Spain-Discovery]..........1 minute & 9 seconds behind
66. Padrnos [Czech-Discovery]..........1 minute & 17 seconds behind
89. Martinez [Spain-Discovery]..........1 minute & 57 seconds behind

The team standings have not changed since yesterday. Discovery team is still leading by a single second. They just keep hanging on.

Finally, the race changes. Instead of the long flat road races, tomorrow will feature a 52 Kilometer [32.5 mile] time trial. There will be no Peloton to help. This is just the rider on the course by himself racing against the clock. I expect many sprinters will fall in the standings, and we'll begin to see who the real competitors are for the overall title.

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