Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Appeals Court Rejects Display Of Bible At Houston Courthouse

Score another victory for equal rights and freedom of religion. A three-judge panel of the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, has upheld a lower court ruling, that says Harris County [Houston] cannot display a Bible on a monument in front of its civil courthouse. The court said, "Its recent history would force an objective observer to conclude that it is a religious symbol of a particular faith located on public grounds." This decision upheld the 2004 decision by U.S. District Judge Sim Lake. Judge Lake said the Bible display violated the establishment cause of the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Harris County Attorney Mike Stafford said the city will probably appeal to the entire U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals or go to the U.S. Supreme Court. He believes they have a good chance to overturn the ruling.

Civil rights attorney, Randall L. Kallinen, said he believes the ruling will stand. Kallinen said, "To take all the taxpayers' money in Harris County and use it to promote one religion is highly insensitive to other religions because Harris County has many religions."

Judge Lake and the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals are right on this issue. It is wrong for Harris County to have an official religion, and that is what the Bible display does. It makes it look like Harris County favors one religion over all others. Religion should be left to individuals and churches. Many people of many religions [or no religion] live in Harris County, and in the state of Texas. These taxpaying citizens have a right to a government that doesn't try to force another person's religion on them. This decision was not anti-religious - it was pro-freedom.


  1. Good grief!!! This post has nothing to do with Kinky. Do you have to let your hatred for Kinky color everything you do or say?

    By the way, who is your candidate for governor? Are you a Bell, Grandma or Perry supporter, or just a Kinky hater?

  2. So, stopkinky, who is your choice for governor? Now, I'm curious.

    Everyone knows that you have a hard-on for dissing Kinky. WE KNOW ALREADY!!! You have made that very clear, which I don't have any problem with on Kinky-centered posts.

    So, what I want to know is, are you planning on turning every other post into one about Kinky? Really, I'm sure jobsanger will post on Kinky time and time again before the election. You'll have many chances to remind us of what you've already repeated many times over, that you don't like him. There is no reason to turn every other subject into one about Kinky.

    Does it really bother you that much that he is a Kinky supporter? I'll most likely be voting for Bell, but it doesn't bother me that he wants to give his vote to someone else. That is his right. I will not use it as an excuse to argue with everything that comes out of his(jobsanger's) mouth. I will not continually shove my thoughts on the matter down his throat. He's made up his mind, and though I don't whole-heartedly agree, I stand by his right to support the candidate of his choosing.

    But I really am dying to know, who is your candidate? Who? Will you answer that question for me, or do I get to wonder about it like jobsanger? Is there a candidate you favor? I've seen you comment on this blog numerous times, but I have yet to figure out who you DO support.

    C'mon, give us an alternative.


ANONYMOUS COMMENTS WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED. And neither will racist,homophobic, or misogynistic comments. I do not mind if you disagree, but make your case in a decent manner.