Monday, August 07, 2006

Kinky Supports An Open Debate With All Candidates

This October, KERA [PBS station in Dallas] and other organizations are sponsoring a debate between the candidates running for governor of Texas. They have invited Perry, Kinky, Bell & Grandma to participate in the debate. They have not invited James Werner, the Liberterian Party candidate for governor.

Even though his campaign is small, Werner would like the same opportunities given the other candidates, including participation in the debate. Werner says, "Excluding me from the gubernatorial debate would be a grave injustice to those voters and a betrayal of the mission of KERA. The public square must not be restricted to the wealthy, the famous and the politically connected."

Werner is correct, but probably should not expect help from most of the other candidates. Perry has a large lead, and unless his numbers start coming down, probably won't even participate in the debate. Grandma did not return calls seeking her position on this. Bell said he "believes hosts of each debate should determine who participates in their debates." Kinky is the only candidate who has come out for a free and open debate.

Kinky believes Werner should be included in the debate. Laura Stromberg, Kinky's press secretary said, "Mr. Werner is a ballot-qualified candidate, and it would only be fair to allow him to participate in debates."

KERA officials said they would decide this month whether to invite Werner to participate in the debate. Kinky is right on this issue. It is small-minded to try and exclude any candidate. If a candidate has qualified for the ballot, that should qualify the candidate for the debate.

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