Wednesday, October 04, 2006

2733 Have Now Died For Bush's Pride

Georgie's invasion of Iraq has now cost the lives of 2,733 American soldiers. 240 of that number were Texans. These are some of the best and the bravest soldiers in the world, and I am very proud of all that have served in Iraq, both the living and the dead. But the time has come to stop their sacrifice. The invasion has accomplished nothing but to provide a breeding ground for terrorists. It is time to bring our soldiers home, and let the Iraqis decide for themselves how they want to be governed.

Listed below are American deaths broken down by Quarters of a Year:

October 06...............17
Jul/Sep 06................182
Apr/Jun 06...............206
Jan/Mar 06...............148
Oct/Dec 05................248
Jul/Sep 05................188
Apr/Jun 05...............210
Jan/Mar 05...............200
Oct/Dec 04................272
Jul/Sep 04.................200
Apr/Jun 04................257
Jan/Mar 04................119
Oct/Dec 03.................166
Jul/Sep 03..................114
Apr/Jun 03.................141
March 03..................... 65


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