Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Message From Kinky To His Supporters

I submit the following letter from Kinky Friedman in its entirety:

Folks, this is it. We are now down to the final stretch. We've jumped through every hoop and met every challenge to get us to the point where we can win this race. What we need now is money.

We're running our TV ads throughout Texas, but we need them running more frequently and in more markets. Our opponents are flooding the airwaves with commercials with millions in special interest money. We need your help to stay competitive.

I thank you for everything you've done to support this campaign and bring us this far. Now I'm asking you - for the last time - to dig into your pockets and help us bring this thing home. Tens of thousands of you are receiving this message. If each of you sent $15 or $50 or $100, we would have the money we need to win this race and begin the task of restoring this great state. We need your contributions between now and October 30th to have a presence on the airwaves up to the election.

You can make a contribution by clicking the secure link below:

I've always said I'm running in the spirit of Seabiscuit: I do not plan to place or show; I plan to win. And friends, with your help we will win. Thanks for your support and we will see you at the victory party on November 7.

Kinky Friedman

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