Sometimes some christians can come up with some pretty weird ideas on how to push their religion onto others. It's not unusual to see them try to invade our schools and public places to spread their myths. Some will even come to your home uninvited to disturb your privacy.
But I have to admit that the Colorado-based International Bible Society has come up with a novel idea -- they want to deliver a bible with your morning newspaper. They would put each Bible (actually only a New Testament) in a plastic bag and attach it to the newspaper to be delivered.
The group approached the Fort Worth Star-Telegram earlier this year with the proposal. When the Star-Telegram notified their readers the Bibles would be delivered the last week in December, there was a public outcry, much of it coming from christians.
Some thought it was inappropriate and others were worried about the Bibles being desecrated or tossed in the trash (which is where it would go if delivered to my home). Finally, the paper told subscribers they could opt out of the delivery if they wished.
The group wants to deliver the Bibles with newspapers in 11 different cities. However, it now looks like the deliveries may now be delayed or not done at all. The group is having a hard time coming up with the funds. In Fort Worth, the deadline for raising $438,000 is October 31st. So far, they have raised $13,000. They are having trouble getting the money in other cities as well.
It seems strange to me that in a country whose original settlers were largely looking for religious freedom, that we now have so many christians who would go to any length to force their religion on others. Why can't they just leave their fellow citizens alone?
I believe that all Americans should be free to believe in any religion they want, and to worship in any way they want, as long as no one gets hurt. But religious freedom is a two-way street. You have the right to believe, but you must grant your fellow citizens the right not to believe as you do without being harassed.
To try to force your religion on others is simply un-American.
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