Many programs being pushed by Republican officials really make no sense. That is why they have to tell lies to try and make them seem reasonable. One of these unreasonable programs is the wasting of billions of dollars to build a fence along Texas' southern border. Most Texans know the proposed fence would do more to hurt Texas than to protect it.
The fence is really nothing more than an attempt to pander to the racist base of the Republican Party, but in order to get the ridiculous thing built they must convince most people that it is needed to make our border secure. Thus, the lies. We heard one of those lies on Wednesday.
Texas Homeland Security Director Steve McCraw told the North Texas Crime Commission that several terrorists with ties to Hezbollah, Hamas and al-Queda have been apprehended trying to cross from Mexico into Texas. He said the most important of these terrorists was named Farida Goolam Mahomed Ahmed. Just like most people who make this claim, he was unable to name anyone else.
There are a few things wrong with McCraw's ludicrous claim. First, when was the last time a terrorist was arrested that Republicans didn't splash it all over the news media? Never. They never miss an opportunity to try and scare the American people. If there were really any arrests like this it would have made huge headlines -- and there have been none.
Second, there was a person named Farida Goolam Mohamed Ahmed arrested at the McAllen airport in July of 2004, and it was initially thought she had terrorist ties. But since that time, both customs officials and the US Attorney's office in Houston have said the reports were in error, and there were no ties to terrorists.
Third, Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokeswoman Leticia Zamarripa said her department was unaware of anyone with terrorist ties being arrested crossing our southern border. Frankly, if ICE doesn't know about it, then it didn't happen.
It's bad enough that Republicans keep coming up with indefensible programs, but please -- STOP THE LYING!
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