Friday, September 07, 2007

Four Unions Now Backing Edwards

Most regular readers of this blog know that I've been backing Bill Richardson for the Democratic presidential nomination. However, his prospects are looking dimmer at this time. Unless he breaks through in one of the early states soon, it looks like the nominee will be chosen from Clinton, Obama and Edwards.

Personally, I just can't see myself supporting Obama or Clinton. I like Obama, but I really think he needs a little more experience before he gets such a high office. As for Clinton, I don't feel comfortable about her at all. Of all the Democratic candidates, I believe she is most in tune with keeping the corporations in charge of America's destiny.

Her husband was a supporter of NAFTA, and I believe she is also. She has already told us that she thinks the outsourcing of American jobs is a good thing. I just believe that a Clinton presidency would be bad for American workers.

If I can't have Bill Richardson as our candidate, then John Edwards is the candidate that I would prefer out of all the rest. It looks like a lot of other people are coming to that conclusion also. Edwards is currently leading in the polling for Iowa. He also won the Democratic party's Texas straw poll this last week, and many progressive Texas bloggers came out in support of him this last week.

But perhaps even more important, several large unions have climbed on board the Edwards bandwagon recently. Yesterday, the Transport Workers Union of America (TWU) declared their support for Edwards. The TWU has 200,000 members.

On the Labor Day weekend, the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (UBCJA), the United Steelworkers (US) and the United Mineworkers (UM) all threw their support behind Edward's candidacy. The UBCJA has 520,000 members, the US has 1.2 million members and the UM has 105,000 members.

Together, these unions have over 2 million members. This should give Edwards a huge boost in the race for the nomination. It is satisfying to see the unions acting in their own best interest in this primary race. Far too often in the past, they have had to choose between the lesser of two evils. This time they're backing a candidate that will actively support workers and fight the corporations.

I'm still not ready to give up on Bill Richardson, but it is good to see Edwards doing so well.

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