Friday, September 07, 2007

Justice Department Attacks Net Neutrality

This shouldn't have come as a surprise to anyone. Bush and his Republican cronies have always acted to favor big corporations at the expense of the little guy. Now they want to destroy the independent neutrality of the internet, so their corporate buddies can make even more windfall profits by controlling access.

The Republican-dominated Justice Department jumped into the fray on Thursday, telling the Federal Communications Commission that they oppose "net neutrality". Net Neutrality means that all internet sites should be equally accessible to all web users. One would think that this would be the ideal situation in a free country.

But Republicans don't really believe in freedom or equality. They only believe in dollars, and they see large profits in turning the internet over to the large corporations. They probably see this as a way to get large corporate donations for the upcoming election (since they haven't been doing too well so far in raising money).

Large phone and cable companies want to charge users more for loading certain sites faster. If you can't afford to pay, then you get squeezed out. Eventually, these large corporations would have control over all internet access and probably even content. Our last bastion of freedom in this country would die for all practical purposes.

There is nothing wrong with the internet as it is. Todays internet is really a true free market where a site is judged by its quality and not by its size or earning potential. It seems strange that the same Republicans who preach the value of the "free market", now want to destroy one.

It is time for those of us who love the internet as it is to raise our voices in protest -- otherwise, soon we won't be able to be heard at all.

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