Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Republicans Trying To Ruin Medicaid

The only chance the poor have for medical coverage, especially poor children, is Medicaid. But more and more doctors are refusing to take new Medicaid patients. According to a survey by the Texas Medical Association, nearly two-thirds of all doctors now refuse to take Medicaid patients.

Just a few years ago, in 2000, 67% of doctors were willing to take Medicaid patients. By 2002, the number had fallen to 49%, and in 2004, it went down to 45%. In 2006, the number slid again to 38%.

Why is this happening? Are doctors just being mean to poor people, especially poor children? Not at all. The doctors just cannot afford to take these patients, because the government pays so little for their care.

Ever since Bush came to power in 2000, the Republicans have been trying to destroy the Medicaid program. Through a series of cuts and freezes in payments, they have fixed it so many doctors can no longer afford to treat Medicaid patients.

They can afford billions in corporate welfare and tax cuts for the rich, but can't seem to find the money to cover poor children's medical needs. This seems very out of character for a party that preaches "family values". Evidently, they are only talking about their own families and those of their rich friends.

Then they turn around and use the doctor's unwillingness to take paltry government fees as evidence that a single-payer healthcare system will not work in this country. But it's not that doctors won't take government payments -- they'll take payment from any source as long as it's a fair payment.

I'm beginning to think we need a law that limits government officials to the same medical coverage as our poorest citizens. That would be the only way to get Republicans to stop trying to destroy what little coverage is offered.

But there is an easier way. Vote them out of power. Republicans have shown, they do not have enough empathy for the rest of us, to stay in power. If you're not rich, it'll be in your best interest to vote Democratic in 2008.

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