Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Alaskan Teenager Outclasses Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh has once again shown us just what a classless and crass individual he is. Recently, he has attacked American soldiers for opposing the Iraq War, and a 12 year-old for having the audacity to need health insurance. Now he has aimed his venom at an 18 year-old Alaskan girl.

Yesterday, Charlee Lockwood spoke to Congress about how global warming is changing her home in Alaska. The 18 year-old Yupik Eskimo was a part of the 5,000 young people who descended on Washington to lobby Congress about energy and climate issues.

She told Congress, "Our traditional ways of life will die like the food we grew up eating, our hunters will have to travel farther to keep food in their homes. Our culture will die because everyone will have to move someplace and there will be no one to teach them to."

But Limbaugh doesn't see a passionate young person trying to save her home and culture. Instead, he wants to paint her as a mindless dupe being used by Democrats to force "big government" on our nation.

Limbaugh told his right-wing listeners that the teenager "makes me really want to puke. I just want to throw up. It's the Democrats exploiting a young child, ladies and gentlemen, for the exploitation of a political issue that will grow the size of government and increase their control over everyone."

It's funny how Bush trashing the Constitution is just fine with him, but a young person trying to save her home and culture is to him the epitomy of evil. The man truly has no shame.

But while Limbaugh is completely devoid of any trace of class or common decency, the young Alaskan has more than her share of both. When told of his attack, she said her upbringing included learning "about respect and treating people the way you want to be treated".

The teenager seems to be a lot more mature than the aging radio buffoon. It's hard to understand why he still has a radio audience.

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