Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Richardson Gives Medal To Vet's Family

Bill Richardson grabbed an opportunity to look presidential today. He presented a long-overdue Purple Heart medal to the family of a Korean War veteran. This was the culmination of his recent visit to North Korea to retrieve the bodies of six American soldiers who died in the Korean War.

It all started last summer, when North Korean officials notified Richardson they were ready to return the remains of the six soldiers. They contacted Richardson because they had talked with him in the past and respected his diplomatic skills. With help from the White House, Richardson went to North Korea and brought back the remains of the missing soldiers.

One of those soldiers was Cpl. Clem Robert Boody (whose neice is pictured above with Richardson). The family recently told Richardson that it had been verified that Cpl. Boody was one of those he brought back.

The family also told Richardson that although Cpl. Boody had been awarded the Purple Heart many years ago, they had been unable to get the Defense Department to send them the medal. Richardson put his staff on it, and yesterday he presented the medal to the family "on behalf of a grateful nation".

This is one reason I think Bill Richardson would make a great president. He's a "can-do" kind of guy, who gets things done even if it requires dealing with those leaders that many others can't even talk to. His diplomatic skills are unsurpassed.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a competent president for a change?

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