Friday, March 28, 2008

Clinton-Backers Try To Pressure Pelosi

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is on record as saying the superdelegates should support the Democratic candidate with the most delegates earned from voters. That didn't make the Clinton people very happy, since it is virtually impossible for their candidate to finish with the most delegates.

A few days ago, 20 of Clinton's top fundraisers decided to try and pressure Pelosi to change her position. They sent her a letter asking her to "clarify your position on superdelegates and reflect in your comments a more open view to the optional independent actions of each of the delegates at the National Convention in August."

It is the view of these Clintonistas that if the voters don't choose the appropriate candidate, then it is up to the superdelegates to step in and fix things by overruling them. That is a ridiculously elitist position for any Democrat to be putting forward.

Do they really think the party insiders know better than the voters? If that was true, then why have the vote at all? We might as well just go back to picking candidates in the smoke-filled backrooms.

But Pelosi wasn't intimidated. Her spokesman said, "The speaker believes it would do great harm to the Democratic Party if superdelegates are perceived to overturn the will of the voters. This has been her position throughout this primary season, regardless of who was ahead at any particular point in delegates or votes."

She is absolutely right.


  1. Democrats wanted the Super Delegates but they should of done away with them. Since they are in effect they should be able to vote any way they want accorrding to party rules.

    Caucus are a stupid Democrat thing also. If they did not exist such as the Republican winner takes all delegates. Hillary would of already won by a landslide.

    Obama is Buying the Super Delegates. This election is the sadest election in American history if Obama wins with black donated church money

  2. Are you saying it's alright for white churh people to donate, but not black church people? That sounds racist to me.

  3. Obama and his Pastor are the racist pigs. His pastor says what Obama thinks but can't say to keep the white vote or Obama would not of attended his church for 20 years

  4. You obviously didn't listen to Obama's speech about race. It was the best and most even-handed commentary on the subject in years.
    You seem to be hung up on Obama's color. Don't project your own racial views on him.
    As for his FORMER pastor, both he and I are old enough to have experienced the really bad racial times in this country, and we both know that too much racism still exists. He has earned the right to attack it in aa angry way if he wishes.
    Frankly, it still pisses me off too.


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