Sunday, April 06, 2008

Another Right-Wing Overreaction

Once again, we see that it takes next to nothing to send right-wing nutjobs into screaming fits of rage. This time it's over a commercial that was never even shown in the United States.

Absolut Vodka is running a series of commercials with the theme of "In an ideal world". One of these commercials was made especially for Mexico, and was shown only in that country.

The commercial featured a map of Mexico -- in 1830. Of course in 1830, half of Colorado, most of Texas and New Mexico, and all of Arizona, Nevada, Utah and California were a part of Mexico.

That was all it took for the right-wingers. One of their most insane voices, Michelle Malkin, went off on the commercial on her blog, and all of a sudden right-wingers were calling for a boycott of Absolut Vodka for its insult to America (although I don't know how we could be insulted by something that wasn't even shown to us).

But they raised enough of a ruckus that the Swedish company that makes Absolut Vodka has now apologized. They said, "As a global company, we recognize that people in different parts of the world may lend different perspectives or interpret our ads in a different way that was intended in that market, and for that we apologize."

This is amazing! These nuts have no problem with an unjustified war that has killed over 4,000 Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens. They have no problem with illegal and unconstitutional wiretapping of Americans. They have no problem with America torturing prisoners and violating the Geneva Conventions. They have no problem with the corporate destruction of our economy.

All of these things are fine, but a commercial shown in another country is an enormous problem. These people need to get a life and a sense of humor.

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