Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Colorado Racist Goes To Brownsville

Eight congressmen came to Brownsville last Monday to discuss the ridiculous border fence. Six of them were reasonable people who saw the difficulties the proposed fence will cause for Texas. The other two were Duncan Hunter (R-California) and Tom Tancredo (R-Colorado).

I don't know what the two racists thought they would accomplish down on the border. Surely they didn't think their immigrant-bashing would go over well down there (and it didn't). Their defense of the border fence proposal was met with boos and catcalls. Tancredo became upset with the "landowners multi-culturist views on the border."

I think he meant that as a slam. He doesn't seem to realize that here in Texas, we're damn proud of our multi-culturalism. There was a Spanish influence in Texas even before Texas became a country and then a state. You can just look at the names of many of our counties and cities to see that we have heroes from both the English and Hispanic cultures, and we like it that way.

Tancredo wants to close our border and cut us off from our southern neighbor. But the border in Texas has always been a two-way street. Many Mexicans shop and party in Texas, and many Texans do the same in Mexico. This arrangement has always been beneficial to both sides of the border.

But Tancredo doesn't understand this. He's too busy pushing his racist immigrant-bashing to his whitebread base (just who are the nuts who keep re-electing this creep?). He finally got so angry at Brownsville's refusal to accept his anti-immigrant ideas that he was ready to give the city to Mexico.

Tancredo said, "If you don't like the idea, maybe you should consider building the fence around the northern part of your city." What an ass!

If we need any fence in Texas, maybe it should be on our northern border to keep jerks like Tancredo out.


  1. Re: Colorado Racist Goes To Brownsville
    You could not be so uninformed to believe that Duncan Hunter is a raciest, so I have to conclude you are a total idiot.
    You obviously must not know that Hunter built the border fence across San Diego County which has saved many lives and cut crime in San Diego over 50%. It is accepted and appreciated by people on both sides of the border.
    If Hunter is a hated raciest because of the fence, I would like to hear your explanation of why in his 28-year career in San Diego, he has consistently received the highest percentage of the Hispanic vote. Let's hear you hateful logic explain that.
    Since you approve all comments, I think your answer will most likely be conspicuous by its absence.

  2. as with most of your posts, u show a total lach of understanding on this issue. Fact is your a total idiot. No wonder no one posts here.


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