Some cities, like Lubbock, have done away with their red-light cameras, and there was a move in the last Texas legislative session to outlaw the red-light cameras. But that doesn't represent the view here in Amarillo.
While some people continue to run red lights and rear-end collisions have climbed somewhat, the city leaders in Amarillo believe the program has generally been a success. In fact, the city's traffic engineer, Taylor Withrow, says he will probably recommend "the commission approve installing cameras at the intersections of Georgia Street and Interstate 40, Paramount Boulevard and I-40, Grand Street and Northeast 24th Avenue, and at Ross Street and 10th Avenue."
I think this is a good idea. All four of those intersections are very dangerous. They have a high volume of traffic, and a lot of red-light violators. Installing cameras at these intersections should save lives.
A couple of notes on the rise in rear-end collisions. These are generally far less life-endangering than the higher-speed side collisions caused by red-light runners. And they will decrease once most people get used to the cameras (and to actually stopping at red lights).
Running a red light is one of the most dangerous things a city driver can do. Let's give the cameras a chance to help control this violent criminal act.
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