Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Diva

Political Cartoon is by David Horsey. Found on the blog What Would Jack Do?


  1. Back on Independence Day, I predicted the following:

    " Palin's case, I could see her supporting independent, or possibly Libertarian or even conservative Democrat candidates who share her political views." [Emphasis added]

    Here's a link to my original comment.

    Now this is being reported by the Washington Times.

    If Sarah Palin is such a disaster for the GOP, why can't the Left just leave her alone and let her self destruct? I think Ann Coulter nailed it in her July 8th column, entitled "Forgetting Sarah Palin":

    "Sarah Palin has deeply disappointed her enemies. People who hate her guts feel she's really let them down by resigning."

    "She's like the ex-girlfriend they're SO over, never want to see again, have already forgotten about -- really, it's O-ver -- but they just can't stop talking about her."

    It's a little bit like the Republican primary debates in '07 and '08, when so many of the candidates were excoriating Hillary Clinton, only to be disappointed when Barack Obama got the nomination.

    Or the old generals who spend all their time strategizing for the last war.

    Sarah Palin is to this generation of Democrats what Ted Kennedy was to an earlier generation of Republicans: a lightning rod, sure to raise the ire (and financial contributions) of the base.

    Why don't y'all just chill and see what finally shakes out? Who knows? - maybe my final prediction will prove to be right, and she and Todd will fade into the sunset on their fishing ship. And all that raised blood pressure will be for naught.

  2. You actually read Ann Coulter? I thought you were smarter than that CT.

  3. Although she's often over the top, I find Ann Coulter to sometimes have an amusing way of characterizing the more absurd positions the Left takes.

    If you have a more plausible explanation than Coulter's for the Left's undying obsession with Palin, three and a half years before the next presidential election, I'd be glad to entertain it.

  4. I don't know about everyone else, but I love her because she is a disaster. I don't want her to go, because she does such a great job of making Republicans look dumb.


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