Thursday, August 06, 2009

Free Expression Or Religious Proselytizing ?

The Liberty Legal Institute is at it once again, trying to fix it so the fundamentalist christians can force their religious views on school children. The Plano School District (just north of Dallas, Texas) has banned all religious expression from the classroom, but the fundies don't like it. They don't mind other religions being banned, but think it's wrong they are subject to the same ban.

It came to a head when an elementary student tried to pass out candy canes to classmates with a religious message attached. The school refused to allow him to do it. That upset his mother and with the help of the Liberty Legal Institute, she filed suit against the school district. She claimed the school district was wrong to stifle her child's free expression of his religious beliefs.

The ban is a fair and reasonable action by the Plano School District. While it prohibits the fundies from pushing their religious views on school children, it also does the same to any other religious or anti-religious group. A Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Wiccan (pictured) or even an atheist group would be subject to the same ban.

The ban really makes a lot of sense. The district is composed of students of many faiths (and no faith). Since these students are required by Texas law to attend school, they should not have to put up with christians (or any other religion) trying to proselytize in their classroom.

But as I said, the fundies think they're special and should not be subject to the ban. A lower court upheld the ban, so the Liberty Legal Institute has appealed to a higher court. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans has just finished hearing the appeal. It is not known when the court will render its decision, but I hope they support the rights of all students and not just one group.

As I've said before, freedom of religion also must include freedom from religion. All of us have a right to be free from religious pressure in the public arena.

1 comment:

  1. uhm lets see..the last time anyone from plano was in the news is was all the deaths from their 'kids' expressing themselves by dying of cheese overdoses..


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