Monday, September 21, 2009

"The Gipper" Wouldn't Approve

Steve Lopez had an excellent column in the Los Angeles Times yesterday, where he discusses a visit he had with Stuart Spencer. Spencer ran four successful campaigns for Ronald Reagan -- two for governor and two for president. Suffice it to say that he was close to President (and Governor) Reagan.

Spencer doesn't like the devisive media and rabid partisan politics of today, and he believes Ronald Reagan wouldn't have liked it either. He reminds us that Reagan didn't consider his political opponents to be enemies. He says when Reagan was governor "you could fight all day and then go have a cocktail with the other side at night."

Reagan continued that in the White House, inviting Democrat Tip O'Neill to the White House on Thursday nights for "hours of story-telling and problem-solving." Reagan also built both a political and social relationship with Ted Kennedy, and worked closely with him "on budget matters and international disarmament."

Spencer also doesn't like the devisive media pundits who talk about Reagan as though he was a saint, but treat political opponents as though they were enemies of their own country. Spencer says he doesn't watch Glen Beck, or anyone else on Fox News (or MSNBC) because they have an agenda. He said he "doesn't see why those interested in educating themselves on matters of national importance would turn to either for reliable information."

Spencer said it also annoys him that Fox News won't admit that Sarah Palin was a preposterous choice for the vice-presidential candidacy. Spencer says, "She just wasn't qualified."

And what does he think of Rush Limbaugh's radio program? He doesn't listen to it. When he was asked why he doesn't listen to Limbaugh, Spencer replied "Because he's an asshole." I certainly can't argue with that sort of incisive insight.

Spencer says the only papers he regularly reads are the Desert Sun and the Los Angeles Times, and when he wants solid and impartial TV reporting, he watches Jim Lehrer on PBS.

I doubt that Spencer and I would agree on much politically, but I can't find fault with his views on the devisive agenda-driven media of today. It's really nice to finally see a Republican showing some common sense.

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