Tuesday, September 22, 2009

In Defense Of Nothing

From the pen of Ted Rall at gocomics.com.


  1. The really funny thing about this cartoon is that its very premise epitomizes the philosophy of the Left, "Cool, fast and free to every American!" [Emphasis added]

    Just as somebody is going to have to pay for everybody's free Maserati in the cartoon, somebody is going to have to pay for everybody's free health care. Where's the money going to come from if nobody is paying?

    We're already looking at trillion-dollar deficits every year for the next decade, and that's not including universal health care. What are we going to do when annual interest on the national debt exceeds annual revenues? Declare bankruptcy and start all over again? I know it's the Republicans that helped get us into this mess, but that doesn't mean the Democrats should compound the problem.

    Don't get me wrong; there is a health care crisis in this country that needs to be addressed rationally, through tax credits and subsidies for those who need them, elimination of insurance denials for pre-existing conditions, portability of coverage between jobs, open competition among insurance companies across state lines to drive down costs, etc. But free health care for everyone makes about as much sense as free Mazaratis for everyone.

    Back in 1993, P.J. O'Rourke said, "If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free." I'm afraid we're going to see just how prophetic Mr. O'Rourke really was.

  2. Scary accurate. The knuckle-draggers will never agree to anything this President does.

  3. MENSA Candidate #5000 said,

    Just as somebody is going to have to pay for everybody's free Maserati in the cartoon, somebody is going to have to pay for everybody's free health care. Where's the money going to come from if nobody is paying?

    Dear Genius,

    The reason you pay 150% more for healthcare than your Canadian counterparts do and then get 50% less service is that you're ALREADY paying for the uninsured, AND you're fattening up the bonus pool of private insurers.

    Obviously, we can't sustain those sky-high insurance profits much longer, and we're going to continue to pay maybe 10 times what we would have every time some uninsured person lets a treatable condition get to the point where he or she had to go to the ER because they can't afford an office call. Why is it your kind is too damned STUPID to get that?

  4. "The reason you pay 150% more for healthcare than your Canadian counterparts do and then get 50% less service..."


    "Obviously, we can't sustain those sky-high insurance profits much longer..."

    Why are the Democrats opposed to allowing the sale of health insurance across state lines? Wouldn't increased competition in states like Alabama (and elsewhere) drive prices down?


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