Thursday, September 03, 2009

Kinky Is In !

Kinky Friedman has made it official. He is a candidate for governor in next year's Democratic primary. On Tuesday, Kinky officially entered the race, offering himself as an alternative to the political insiders. He said, "That's one of the reasons a lot of customers have left the showroom. We're offering a new model, which is a man of the people who can get the people excited."

Kinky ran as an independent in 2006, getting about 12% of the vote. He admits that was a mistake, since independents have little chance of winning an election in Texas. He said, "I've seen the light. I should have run as a Democrat last time." He added that his "heroes have always been Democrats."

He listed some of his priorities as giving teachers a $3000 raise, eliminating toll roads and instituting casino gambling. He would use the money from casino gambling to give the teacher raises and buy back private toll roads (awarded by our current governor).

While some may be opposed to casino gambling, Kinky points out that not having it does not prevent Texans from gambling. They just go to Las Vegas, Louisiana and other states to spend money that could be kept right here in Texas.

Kinky also talked about the Republican primary, calling it the clash of "the plastic titans". He said, "There are going to be a huge number of Texans who are not going to be proud of what they see Kay and Rick doing. We've got a smart president. Let's get a smart governor."

I totally agree. I'm tired of political insiders who promise the people the moon and then deliver nothing, and there are plenty of them in both parties. It's time to elect an outsider that has the best interests of ordinary Texans as his goal.

Kinky has my support, my vote and even some of my money (and I expect to send him more campaign funds). I urge everyone to ignore the lies spread by supporters of his opponents, and give Kinky a fresh look. You'll find a man who loves Texas, and who wants to make Texas better for all its citizens. Isn't that what it's all about?

1 comment:

  1. henry_finkel9/03/2009 10:48 AM

    I voted for Kinky last time and I'll support him again.


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