Monday, September 21, 2009

Majority Of Public Supports Obama

The right would love for Americans to believe that Obama's support among the people is dissolving, but that is simply not true. President Obama still has the solid support of a majority of Americans.

According to the CNN Poll of Polls (a combination of six recent polls), 55% of Americans support the president while only 39% disapprove of the president's performance so far. In August, these same polls showed President Obama with 54% support. The difference is not statistically significant, and shows his support is holding steady.

That means the Republican slurs (including the 9/12 teabagging parties) have not eroded his support, and his speech to Congress did not improve it.

The six polls used are Fox News, Pew, Bloomberg, CNN/Opinion Research, USA Today/Gallup and ABC/Washington Post.

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