Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Obama Reiterates Scheduled Iraq Pullout

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki met Tuesday with President Obama. Among other things, the two discussed the opportunities for doing business together. President Obama said, "We didn't just talk about military and security issues. What is wonderful about this trip is that it represents a transition in our bilateral relationship so that we are moving now to issues beyond security and we are beginning to talk about economy, trade, commerce."

Well, doesn't it just make you feel warm and fuzzy all over to know that corporations and rich people will be able to get even richer in Iraq? Personally, I don't like it. We still have soldiers dying in that stinking country. Is this why we're leaving them there -- to create a better environment for American businessmen? I can't think of any other reason for staying.

I'm sure the Wall Street capitalists would disagree, but I don't think it's worth a single soldier's life to create a better business climate in Iraq. The current government is not going to survive after we leave anyway (since it has the taint of being American-approved).

We need to leave immediately, so they can get about the business of establishing the government they really want. Only then will the country settle down enough to create real business opportunities. All we are doing now is delaying the inevitable and costing both Iraqi and American lives.

At least President Obama used the occasion to reiterate that all of our forces would be out of Iraq by the end of 2011 (more than two years from now). I guess we should be grateful for small favors.

But this was accompanied by some bad news. President Obama urged the Iraqi's to get a new election law passed quickly, so elections could be held in January of 2010. The clear impression given was that if this did not happen, the American troop withdrawal could be delayed -- and not start as scheduled in early 2010.

I hate being a pessimist, but this sounds like the U.S. government is already starting to set up excuses for why the withdrawal may have to be delayed. Why are the American people putting up with this kind of nonsense? Why should we care what kind of government the Iraqi's choose to have?

We should withdraw immediately. No excuses. Waiting until the end of 2011 is inexcusable, and any further delay would be downright criminal.


  1. Have you read Naomi Klein's "The Shock Doctrine," Ted?

  2. please do!

    It's a huge eye-opener. It's pretty long, but so worth it. One of the most enlightening books I've ever read.


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