Saturday, November 07, 2009

More Teabagger Lies

We've known for quite a while now that the ultra-right-wing teabaggers are terrible spellers. All you have to do is look at their signs to know that. Now we learn that they are also mathematically-challenged as well. At least their nutty leaders are.

There was supposed to be a multitude of the teabaggers show up in Washington a couple of days ago to show Congress that America really doesn't want health care. If you listen to the ultra-right-wingers, you might think that actually happened. Sean Hannity tried to float a figure of 20,000 protesters. Michelle Bachmann was even more absurd. She said there was between 20,000 and 50,000 protesters.

If this is indicative of their mathematical skills, then I sure wouldn't want any of these people trying to balance my checkbook. How many people were actually at the teabagger protest? The Capitol police estimated the "crowd" at 4,000 (a pitiful turnout by any standards).

But Bachmann and other right-wingers weren't happy with that one lie. They also tried to claim this was not a top-down organized event, but was instead a completely grassroots effort. Just listen to these words from Bachmann, "And this was totally word of mouth. This was nothing that we organized, nothing that we planned. We didn't order one bus, one carload. Nothing. Complete word of mouth."

Of course that's an outrageous LIE! Not only did Bachmann promote the event on her web site, but she appeared on Fox News with Sean Hannity and begged teabaggers to come to her event. The event was also being promoted on the Freedomworks web site. Here's the TV exchange between Hannity and Bachmann last week:
Hannity: "So you're organizing and asking people to come meet you on the steps of the capital."
Bachmann: "Thursday at noon. You can go to for more information."

Bachman may not have ordered any buses, but the ultra-right-wing organization Americans For Prosperity certainly did. They paid for at least 40 buses, and then met the buses and handed out signs to the small crowd that showed up. Do these people even know what a true grassroots movement is? Doesn't sound like it!

These teabaggers are not just spelling and mathematically-challenged. They're also shameless liars.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry! I was out of state for 4 days with no access to a computer.

    Palin Divorcce Watch: Day 99


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