Saturday, December 19, 2009

Bad Reunion

If he exists, what gives god (or Jesus) the right to forgive a sin not committed against them, but against another human? Shouldn't this woman be the only one who can forgive this sin? Found at the thought-provoking site of Atheist Comics.


  1. And how interesting that conservative "born again" Republicans tend to be the most vociferous supporters of the death penalty. And when asked by an opponent of the death penalty (a "wuss"), "don't you think an innocent person might be put to death?," those born again Jesus thumpers respond with an emphatic "NO! An innocent person has never been executed! Wuss!"

  2. makes me want to bang my head on the wall.

  3. "If he exists, what gives god (or Jesus) the right to forgive a sin not committed against them, but against another human? Shouldn't this woman be the only one who can forgive this sin?"

    I'm assuming these are merely rhetorical questions, and you're not looking for a serious dialogue with someone who believes in the triune God.

    Please let me know if my assumption is wrong. I'd be glad to answer, but I don't want to waste my time at 11:00 PM on a Sunday night if your intent is only to disparage.

  4. Call it a rhetorical question if you want, but I honestly believe this woman should have the exclusive right of forgiveness.


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