Friday, December 18, 2009

Cause Of Gas Explosion Still Unknown

About a month and a half ago, a natural gas pipeline fractured near the rural town of Bushland in the Texas Panhandle. There was an explosion that sent flames over 700 feet into the air, and a nearby home was burned to the ground. The explosion rattled windows in Amarillo several miles away, and it took two hours to get the pipeline shut down and the fire under control.

It is still unclear just what caused the pipeline to fracture and explode. El Paso Natural Gas, who owns the pipeline, said there was no corrosion involved, no leaks and no defects in a weld connecting the pipes at the junction. In other words, they just don't know how or why the pipeline exploded.

They are moving the pipeline a little farther from the town though. After they have updated the pipeline, it will not be closer than 400-600 feet from any residence in Bushland (population 1500).

Are you listening Fort Worth? Do you think this can't happen to you. Driven by greed, the Fort Worth City Council has approved the drilling for natural gas in its newly renovated downtown area. Making matters even worse, many property owners inside the city and its suburbs have also signed leases to allow the gas companies to drill.

These politicians and citizens have virtually set off a ticking time bomb inside their own city. I'm sure they all believe nothing can happen. After all, the gas companies have assured them they will be safe and all precautions will be taken. But don't you think the people of Bushland were told the same thing?

Not only will there be gas drilling in the city limits, but to transport that gas there will be miles of pipelines criss-crossing the city. It's not a matter of if, but when an explosion similar to the one in Bushland happens in Fort Worth. And that explosion will be a lot worse and cause a lot more damage in an urban or suburban area.

Wake up Fort Worth! The few dollars you are putting into your pockets now are small payment for what the future destruction will be. It's time to throw the gas companies out and outlaw drilling within the city limits.


  1. I want to quote your post in my blog. It can?
    And you et an account on Twitter?

  2. You can quote the post, and I do not twitter.


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