Thursday, December 31, 2009

Cheney Is Still An Idiot

It looks like Dick Cheney was not content with being part of the worst presidential administration this country has ever had. He wants us to remember that he is still as big an idiot as ever. I can think of no other reason for his latest tirade against President Obama.

Cheney said that Obama "is trying to pretend we are not at war" and has made America "less safe". He said, "He seems to think if he gives terrorists the rights of Americans, lets them lawyer up and reads them their Miranda rights, we won't be at war. He seems to think if we bring the mastermind of 9/11 to New York, give him a lawyer and trial in civilian court, we won't be at war. He seems to think if he closes Guantanamo and releases the hard-core al Queda-trained terrorists still there, we won't be at war."

What a gigantic load of horse manure! Of course we'll still be at war. You and your partner in crime made sure of that with your colossal bungling of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Thanks to the incredible incompetence of the Bush/Cheney regime, we will probably be embroiled in those wars for years to come. I'm surprised Cheney even had the temerity to mention those wars.

As for giving terrorists a fair trial with a lawyer and the same rights as anyone in an American court, that's because of a couple of little things called the "Constitution" and the "rule of law". That's what we do in this country, and it's what separates us from most other nations. EVERYONE deserves and should get a fair trial in America, because if that can be denied to anyone then it can be denied to everyone.

It doesn't surprise me though that Cheney is unfamiliar with the "Constitution" and the "rule of law". The moment that he and Bush took office they threw both out the window and assumed they had the "divine right" to break all laws, both legal and moral, whenever they wished.

Cheney needs to slink back to his "undisclosed location" and put his head back up his ass (where he kept it the eight years of the Bush administration).


  1. His ass should be in prison.

  2. I would love to personally send him a letter and say, Hey, Dick. Shut the fuck up."

  3. newsguygeorge I'll deliver the letter to him.and do it as a singing telegram....

  4. Cheney's not an idiot, he's evil. There's a difference. He only seems like an idiot because evil is so banal in real life, not tending to have horns and red skins and pointy tail and all that...

    - Badtux the Evil Penguin


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