Monday, December 21, 2009

Honoring Our Monkey Ancestors

The top picture is me trying to get my drunk on last Friday night. The bottom picture shows the array of wines available to the party-goers that night (in addition to beer and liquor).

The occasion was Amarillo's annual Honor Your Monkey Ancestors Day Party. This is an annual event thrown by Spacedark (one of the founders of Panhandle Truth Squad) and the lovely Mrs. Spacedark at their home. A wide variety of Amarillo progressives and liberals showed up for the event.

As usual, it turned out to be one of the best parties of the year! Trust me, Amarillo progressives know how to have a good time, and last Friday it certainly looked like everyone was doing just that. They even let me hang out in the kitchen with the "cool people" again this year!

There's only one bad thing. It'll be a whole year before we can do it again.


  1. It was good to see you. We all should get together more often. Happy holidays.


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