Saturday, December 05, 2009

How Low Can A Criminal Go ?

Some people are just lower than a snail's belly, and it seems that Texas has it's share of those people. Take for example the two low-lifes who are giving even criminals a bad name in East Texas.

Last Thursday, a 25 year-old woman left her bank after withdrawing some money in Tyler, Texas. She then started to walk to the gas station where she worked, but was struck by a drunken hit-and-run driver. Witnesses gave police a description of the car, and he was later arrested and charged with intoxication manslaughter (since the young lady had died).

The hit-and-run driver was bad enough, but he's been caught and will have to pay for his stupid crime. But there are a couple of other men who are even lower in my opinion. Instead of helping the seriously hurt young woman, these scumbags helped themselves instead to the young woman's money and then ran off.

Police are looking for these two miscreants, but they have not been found and arrested yet. I hope they are found and punished as much as possible. Even if it was only a misdemeanor amount of money, the cold and uncaring nature of their crime shows a complete lack of empathy, decency or character.

NOTE -- The picture above is of the Smith County Courthouse, where I hope the two thieves will soon have to make an appearance.

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