Sunday, December 06, 2009

This Won't Help With Teabagger Base !

Florida's governor, Charlie Crist (pictured), would like to be the Republican Party's nominee for the U.S. Senate. His problem is that the right-wing base of the party doesn't think he's sufficiently nutty enough for them. I doubt if this screw-up will help him much with the teabagger-fundie crowd.

On the public call-in line to the Florida governor's office, there is a recording of Governor Crist promoting FloridaKidCare. He urges the parents of uninsured children to call the toll-free line to see how they could qualify their children for insurance.

That sounds good, except when you call the number given by Crist the caller is directed to a second number. That second number is answered by a woman's voice saying, "Hey there sexy guys." It goes on to say that for only $2.99 a minute a very graphic conversation can be had with a woman.

It seems that the governor had transposed a couple of numbers in the phone number he gave out, and that transposition directed callers to a phone sex line. The governor's office says the mistake has now been corrected.

Shouldn't someone in the governor's office be checking this sort of thing?


  1. they did...right after they ran up a $9,837 phone bill...checking it out.

  2. Ooohh, you're so bad, YDG! ;-)


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