Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Amarillo Gets No Respect From Politicians

Amarillo is a fast-growing city of about 200,000 people, but we get absolutely no respect from politicians running for statewide office. Not a single Democratic candidate for governor has been anywhere near Amarillo, or a candidate for any other statewide office on the Democratic ticket (although Hank Gilbert did drop by for a couple of quick hours during his short run for governor). I guess they've decided they don't need any Panhandle votes.

The Republicans have been just about as bad. Rick Perry and Debra Medina have not campaigned here at all, and Kay Bailey Hutchison spent about an hour here yesterday speaking to the media and about a dozen supporters (I don't think anyone even knew she would be driving through for a quick stop).

I guess the politicians of both parties have decided the election will be decided by the voter of Houston, Dallas-Ft. Worth, Austin, San Antonio and South Texas, and the rest of Texas can just be ignored. Well, I'm tired of being ignored. If I'm going to vote for a candidate that won't come to Amarillo, it'll be one that doesn't have any money and can't afford to come (like Felix Alvarado).

By the way, a new Rasmussen poll has been released that shows Rick Perry is still in the driver's seat in the Republican primary, although Debra Medina is starting to garner some support. Here are the figures:

Rick Perry...............43%
Kay Bailey Hutchison...............33%
Debra Medina...............12%

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