Monday, January 18, 2010

'Focus On The Family' Buys Super Bowl Ads

In the past, CBS has had a policy of not accepting so-called "advocacy ads" for it's Super Bowl telecasts. They have turned down ads from organizations such as PETA and Evidently, that policy has been changed.

They are either having trouble selling the Super Bowl ads because of the recession, or the big wheels at the network are religious fundamentalists, because they have sold two ads to the ultra-right-wing fundamentalist group Focus on the Family. The group, which laid off 275 workers last year because of dwindling donations, has now come up with over $5 million to pay for two 30-second spots during the Super Bowl.

The ads will feature ex-Florida quarterback Tim Tebow (pictured) and his mother. The group wouldn't say exactly what the ads would be about, but it supposedly will involve sharing "one of their many positive personal stories" about their fundamentalist beliefs.

I had originally hoped to watch the Cowboys in the Super Bowl, but it looks like their loss to the Vikings was a blessing in disguise. Now I won't have to be subjected to these inane and ridiculous ads.

1 comment:

  1. peanut butter and jelly
    camp fires and s'mores
    christians and super bowl...which one doesn't belong..


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