Tuesday, March 02, 2010

It's Primary Day

It's finally here -- primary day in Texas. This is the day when the voters will pick the candidates that will represent the Democratic and Republican parties in the November elections. If you care at all about who these candidates will be (and I hope you do), then pick a party and vote in that party's primary.

Many times people complain there are no good candidates in the November election. Well, this is your opportunity to help choose them. If you don't vote today, then you have no right to complain next November. I urge you to pick a party and vote today, and whatever party you choose, vote your conscience.

If you're going to vote in the Democratic primary and you're not sure who to vote for, let me recommend the following candidates:

Felix Alvarado for governor
Ronnie Earle for lt. governor
Kinky Friedman for agriculture commissioner
Bill Burton for land commissioner

Those are my recommendations in the contested races on the Democratic ballot. But whether you want to vote for them or someone else -- please vote. Our democracy works best when the people speak through the ballot box.


  1. I'll be voting today like every election day..when I was 21 you had to BE 21 to vote..and I turned 21 after the election of lbj and goldwater..and believe it or not..i would have voted for goldwater..luckily by the time it was time for me to vote again, i'd had a change of heart and have voted democrat every since..

  2. I was also a Goldwater supporter in that election, but was too young to vote. Thanks to being too young in that election, I can say today that I've never voted for a Republican (although I have voted for third party candidates).


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