Thursday, April 29, 2010

Teabagger Logic

This is teabagger logic. They oppose taxes while surrounded by many of the things that taxes pay for (and which I'm sure they would not want to do without). I'm surprised these people can walk and breathe at the same time. Picture found at the excellent blog Reconstitution 2.0.


  1. "How are we going to sustain these huge deficits without either defaulting or taxing ourselves into oblivion?"

    Curious Texan, 4/27/2010 12:32 PM

    Still waiting for an answer, Ted.

    You can now add Spain to Greece and Portugal among the European Union countries in dire financial straits due to unviable deficits. They're now saying that Spain may be too big for the International Monetary Fund and the European Union to bail out. Do you think we're somehow immune from all this? Who's going to bail us out?

    At first I thought the woman with the ZERO TAXES sign was an idiot, until I remembered that some 47% of all tax filers now pay zero or even negative income taxes. Dumb like a fox, I guess.

    But that'll all change after the election when the President's Debt Commission recommends a Value Added Tax (national sales tax). There goes the President's pledge not to increase taxes on anyone making less than $250K a year. You buy something - anything - and you'll be paying more federal taxes (even the moochers that don't pay income taxes). It'll start out small (maybe 1%), but pretty soon we'll have a VAT in the range of 15%. We'll be just like Europe, but without the historic cathedrals and castles, opera houses and public transportation that make it all livable.

    For most of us, the problem obviously isn't that we're taxed too little, it's that we spend too much. I'd grudgingly take a freeze or even a modest cut in my military retirement pay if everyone else would bite the bullet too (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment benefits, civil service salaries, AFDC, etc.) Needless to say, I'm not counting on it any time soon.

    Just remember, Ted:

    187 days and counting...

    How we decide as a nation is going to affect generations to come. The Republicans aren't much better, but at least there's a chance (albeit pretty small) that we'll get back on the right track.

  2. At first I thought the woman with the ZERO TAXES sign was an idiot, until I remembered that some 47% of all tax filers now pay zero or even negative income taxes. Dumb like a fox, I guess.

    Pull your head away from Limbaugh's scrotum, and stop repeating this stupid, easily-disproven lie. Nobody who continues to spit this particular lie has enough credibility to be seriously engaged.

  3. So you know more than the Tax Policy Center and Deloitte Tax, huh?

    Or are you totally dismissing the Associated Press?

    What are your credentials on tax policy, Jolly Roger, other than argumentum ad hominem?

  4. Just like a liberal you like to throw this waaaay out of context. These "crazy" tea-baggers are not opposed to taxes (thus the 'cut taxes not defense', in case you can't read). The mainstream ideas that are rising in America are cut taxes AND spending back. Not go into anarchy. Sure, you have some crazy nut-jobs in both parties that cast a bad light on each respective sides ideology. Do not think for one second though that those are the ideas of the tea party movement. You increase spending to more than you can handle and you get the result of Europe. Too much held in credit and not enough in resource. You'd think you would learn from the housing crash. Inflated house prices coupled with too much inventory and not enough being sold will cause you to lose revenue, and therefore crash. It's simple stuff that is applicable everywhere. I know Nancy Pelosi told you to believe this BS that you spout but here in America we believe in thinking on our own.


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