Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Teabaggers - Not A Broad-Based Movement

The Winston Group, a Republican polling organization, released a new poll in the last few days which said that about 40% of teabaggers are either independents or Democrats. Since the poll came out, right-wingers have jubilantly claimed this proves the teabaggers are a broad-based movement, and not just a fringe element of the conservatives. This is simply not true. What it really shows is just how small the teabagger "movement" really is.

Let us look at three polls that examined the same thing (results are pictured above). The Gallup Poll (shown in green) asked people if they supported the teabaggers. The Winston Group (shown in orange) and the CBS Poll (shown in blue) asked people if they were a part of the teabaggers.

Gallup shows that while nearly 50% of Republicans said they supported the teabaggers, only 30% of independents and only a miniscule 7% of Democrats supported the teabaggers. Put another way, 70% of independents and 93% of Democrats do NOT support the teabaggers.

CBS and Winston figures look even worse for the teabaggers. They show that only 30-35% of Republicans, 18-20% of independents and 2-5% of Democrats would identify themselves as a part of the teabaggers. That doesn't look like a broad-based movement to me, since 80% of independents and 95% of Democrats (not to mention 65% of Republicans) would not identify themselves with the teabagger group.

Frankly, this looks more like a small group that probably won't grow any larger. They are mainly made-up of conservatives and other anti-establishment types. If they join with Republicans, they might have a small effect on the coming election, but if they try to go it alone they will go down to a crushing defeat. Gallup shows that across all groups, they only have about 37% support.

Another figure from Gallup makes this very clear. It seems the teabaggers have about the same support as socialists do. While 37% of respondents had positive feelings toward teabaggers, 36% of respondents said they had positive feeling about socialists. The socialists, who the teabaggers claim to hate, are just as popular as they are.

The teabaggers are not a broad-based movement. They are a fringe group just like the socialists (although I hate to admit that). Neither group will control the next election. For the time-being at least, America is a middle-of-the-road country and the winner in November will be the party that voters identify as being in the middle.

I hope the Republicans keep on identifying themselves with the teabaggers. By doing so, they give the Democrats that middle by default, and the election.


  1. "The Gallup Poll (shown in green) asked people if they supported the teabaggers [Emphasis added]."

    Well, there you go. If you asked me if I supported the principles of the Tea Party movement, I'd have to say generally yes. But do I support those who engage in the sexual act known as "teabagging"? I'd have to say no.

    Words mean things, Ted.

  2. Ted, don't you know when you're being kidded?

    Looking at the chart, it's obvious that the poll question was addressing those "self-affiliating with the Tea Party movement." I was merely poking a little fun at your insistence on always calling them "teabaggers."

    Lighten up already!

    Or are you disappointed that I don't support people who .... y'know, with their .... in other people's ....

    (P.S. I'm kidding, yet again!)

  3. The disappointment was about your statement that you support "the principles of the Tea Party movement".

  4. Do you even know what "the principles of the Tea Party movement" are?

    There are three core values:

    •Fiscal Responsibility
    •Constitutionally Limited Government
    •Free Markets

    and Five Principles:

    1. Limited Government
    2. Fiscal Responsibility
    3. Personal Responsibility
    4. The Rule of Law
    5. National Sovereignty

    (Here's my source)

    Do I agree with everything that's done in the name of the Tea Party movement? Absolutely not! Am I embarrassed by many of the signs, both from a standpoint of decency and basic literacy? Absolutely!

    But the question was: Do I support the principles of the Tea Party movement? And my answer is generally yes. But not enough to actively participate. I'm not much of a joiner, anyway.

    But whether or not I'm a card-carrying member of the Tea Party movement (if indeed there even is such a thing) is irrelevant. As a conservative, I'm concerned about the fiscal direction this country is headed and the overreach of the federal government. And whether you agree with me or not, there are a lot of Americans that share that concern, both inside and outside of the Tea Party movement.

  5. Where was your "concern" during the last 40-50 years of this "fiscal" nonsense? Obama hasn't done squat that has deviated in any significant degree from any of his corporatist predecessors. Things were already headed in this direction at least as far back as Eisenhower if not much earlier. It was accelerated under Reagan and has been spiraling out of control ever since then. The handouts to corporations and the rich have gone too far. Unless the tea party is willing to denounce corporate handouts and bribery of politicians on both sides, they should just shut up. I've heard enough of their nonsense about big government and never any mention of the puppet masters behind big government.

    Here is a quote from one of our maligned founding fathers (maligned in Texas at least)..

    "I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country." Thomas Jefferson

  6. Just admit you're a fucking teabagger, fer gawdsakes. Stop splitting hairs because you're embarrassed by their racist antics. It's tiring.

    Yeah, the overreach of the federal government...I'm sure there are millions of people who've been killed/maimed and their lives ruined in other countries by the "overreach of our federal government" who would agree with you and thank you for your concern.

    Those five vacuous talking points are just typical rightwing bullshit that have been in circulation on the far right for a long new ideas or clever presentation. The black guy broke their brains, hence the protests. We would not be seeing any of these overfed old white people yelling and spitting in the streets if McCain had won, and we didn't see them when Bush was president.

    Now put on your corporate apologist hat and make one of your trademark rambling comments.

  7. "Just admit you're a fucking teabagger, fer gawdsakes."

    What would you know about my sexual proclivities, Andrea?

    That's a joke, in case you hadn't figured that out :)


ANONYMOUS COMMENTS WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED. And neither will racist,homophobic, or misogynistic comments. I do not mind if you disagree, but make your case in a decent manner.