Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Cowboys Make A Good Trade

On Monday, the Dallas Cowboys made a trade with the St. Louis Cardinals. They sent linebacker Bobby Carpenter to the Rams, and received offensive tackle Alex Barron (pictured). Both players were first-round picks in the draft, but never seemed to live up to the expectations of the team that drafted them. Now each will get a fresh start with a new team.

Opinion seems to be split over whether this was a good trade for Dallas. I have heard some say that the Cowboys traded a serviceable linebacker for a tackle who had too many penalties and allowed too many quarterback sacks (15 penalties and 7 sacks last season). They say it was a bad trade. I have to disagree.

One thing you have to realize is that there really was no place on this team for Bobby Carpenter anymore. The Cowboys drafted a Penn State linebacker, Sean Lee, in the last draft and the team is already very high on him after just one three-day workout. In addition, last year's pick is ready to compete for substantial playing time. Frankly, I think the Cowboys were lucky to get some decent value for Carpenter (who may well have been cut in training camp).

As for Barron (6' 7", 315 lbs), we must remember who he's been playing for. The Rams have been a bad team for several years. They usually fall behind early in a game and then have to go to the pass to try and catch up. That is not a good situation to put offensive linemen in (having to protect when the opposing team knows you must pass, and they can unleash the blitzes). The Cowboys are a much better team with a good running game -- and that helps.

In addition, Barron has started 76 of the 78 games since being with the Rams. That gives him a lot of experience for his age (although he probably should have been brought along more slowly). Barron says he still wants to be a starter and will compete for the left tackle job currently held by Doug Free in training camp. Who knows, with a new start on a better team maybe he can realize the potential he was thought to have, and win that starting job.

If not, then the Cowboys have an experienced (and young) veteran back-up for both tackle spots (since Barron can play both left and right tackle). In addition, this gives the Cowboys the luxery of bringing along their promising draft picks more slowly (Sam Moore and Robert Brewster) and that's a good thing. Both show a lot of potential, but are not ready yet to be thrown into the fray.

Even in the very unlikely prospect that Barron turns out to be a dud, then the Cowboys are not really any worse off than they were. Carpenter was of no use to the Cowboys and would have been gone anyway. There is at least a chance that Barron will help the Cowboys next season.

Well done, Mr. Jones. I think this trade helps the team.

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