Friday, June 18, 2010

Republicans Worried About War Costs ?

This is just too ridiculous. It seems that after spending over a trillion dollars on the unnecessary wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Republicans are suddenly worried about the amount of money being spent on the two wars. They spent money on these two wars during the Bush administration like it was going out of style -- and derided anyone who tried to stop them as being unpatriotic or not wanting "to support the troops".

But now that there's a Democrat in the White House, they have all of a sudden discovered fiscal restraint. Now they want to worry about where the money is coming from. Here is what Senator John Thune (R-North Dakota) had to say about the war funding:

"Republicans are increasingly, I think, dug in on the issue of making sure that new spending is offset. … Frankly, I think that there is even a growing consensus among Republicans that we need to start budgeting for this, we need to start figuring out how to pay for it. And I think that’s kind of the majority view among Republicans now."

If these Republicans, in their newly discovered fiscal conservatism, really want to stop the ridiculous war spending then I have a suggestion for them -- STOP APPROPRIATING MONEY FOR THE WARS AND BRING OUR SOLDIERS HOME. Then they won't have to worry about where all the money is coming from (and we can stop the unnecessary deaths of American soldiers and innocent civilians).

But we all know they would never support that. They are still war hawks and want to go on funding these unending wars (especially now that there are corporate profits to be made in Afghanistan). This is simply a Republican ploy to oppose Democratic programs.

While they support these silly wars, they oppose all Democratic efforts to provide health care for our citizens, put people back to work and provide unemployment benefits until that can happen, help our children get a proper education, and feed and house the poor and disadvantaged in this country. Republicans can always find the money for wars and to provide corporate welfare and to cut taxes for their rich (and under taxed) buddies, but can't seem to find a penny to help ordinary Americans who are hurting.

They want to use their new fiscal responsibility argument to cut programs that help ordinary Americans and kill any new programs that are introduced. They want to fund the wars and cut job and unemployment programs. They want to fund the wars and cut education programs. They want to fund the wars and cut health care benefits for Americans. They want to fund the wars and stop aid to the poor and disadvantaged.

During the last Republican administration they were willing to spend money like it was water, and turned a surplus left by Bill Clinton into a debt larger than all preceding administrations combined. Don't let their new concern for the deficit fool you. It is nothing more than a disingenuous tool to be used against Democratic efforts to get this nation back on its feet.

After their free-spending past and continuing support for the two wars, Republicans should be ashamed to even try and float this argument.

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