Sunday, June 20, 2010

Texas Democrats Need A New Leader

Those of you who read this blog even semi-regularly probably know that I am not a big fan of Boyd Richie, the current chairman of the Texas Democratic Party. During his tenure in office the Democratic Party has not won a single statewide race for any office. I blame this on his policy of writing-off most of Texas' 254 counties and putting all of his hopes on doing well in the urban areas.

While it is true that much of the population of Texas resides in Houston, Dallas, Ft. Worth, San Antonio and Austin, there are plenty enough people in the rural areas and medium-size cities of the state to easily defeat his "urban-only" policy. It is time for new leadership for the state party -- a leadership that will take a statewide strategy to putting Democrats back in statewide offices, and a leadership that will encourage the return of the party to its progressive roots.

Fortunately there is a candidate for the state chairmanship of the party to oppose Boyd Richie this year. He is Michael Barnes (pictured above with his wife Norma and his son "Quito"), a teacher in the Edcouch-Elsa Independent School District who will receive his Master's Degree in Computer Science from UT-Pan American in August. He is a community organizer and fund-raiser and has helped numerous Democratic organizations by creating web sites for them to get on the internet (a necessity these days).

Barnes says it is time for a change in state leadership because "despite our best efforts, we have failed to achieve one simple goal -- victory -- and the cost of continued electoral losses pose at this moment an unprecedented, and unacceptable risk." He goes on to say, "We cannot accept that in a state where more people identify as Democrats than Republicans, it is somehow possible for the Republican Party to control every single statewide elected office."

Of course he's right, this is inexcusable. Is Mr. Barnes the answer for Texas Democrats? I don't know him well enough to answer that. But I do know that he could not be worse than the current chairman. We must have a change, and that is why I will be supporting Michael Barnes at the state convention in a few days.

I ask all state delegates to the convention to join me in voting for new leadership for the state Democratic Party. It is time.

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