Friday, July 16, 2010

Glenn Beck Is A Racist Idiot

Glenn Beck has always been a right-wing nut, and there are many of us who have believed for a long time that he was also a racist. On his June 24th show he removed any doubt anyone may have had. He is definitely a racist and even worse, an apologist for slavery. Just listen to what he said:

“Tonight you will see that… I'll show you clippings from the newspaper of the war heroes as they were buried with full honors from the Revolutionary War, where they were getting full benefits. I will show you, I held in my hand the statement on benefits from George Washington…there was no delineation between white and black. It was white/black it didn't matter.

"If you fought there was nothing like that from our founders. And when you see the newspaper clippings of African Americans who fought heroically and received full military honors and were buried at such and such…The things that have happened in this country, where it really started to go wrong, was in the lead up to the civil war. And it became politicized, and it was all about slavery. Before then we were moving on the right track, you'll learn things tonight you've never, ever learned before and you'll ask yourself, 'Why?'"

It's simply incredible that any twenty-first century American can say or believe anything close to that. He takes the fact that a few Black soldiers in the Revolutionary War were buried with honors (probably north of the Mason-Dixon line) and uses that fact to project that racial issues were just fine in pre-Civil War America -- as he said "we were moving on the right track".

He conveniently ignores the fact that many thousands of Blacks were living in slavery and the Southern states were not moving "on the right track" (unless you consider defending slavery to be the right track). In fact, the war started because these Southern states tried to leave the Union to protect their right to enslave their fellow human beings. That sounds to me like they were definitely on the wrong track.

But then this is vintage Glenn Beck. He is famous for taking a small fact and bending it all out of shape to try and prove something it doesn't prove. This time he is trying to prove that defending slavery meant race relations were moving in the right direction in this country. Can anyone but a died-in-the-wool racist believe anything even close to that?

There is no longer any doubt at all that Beck is a RACIST. He has just as good as admitted it.

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