Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Harry Reid - Political Coward

After the 2008 election the Democrats had a significant majority in both houses of the U.S. Congress. At that time I had some hope that this would mean real changes for America, and after the misguided and incompetence of the Bush administration, maybe the country would finally be getting back on the right track. But it didn't work out that way.

One of the reasons I pointed out for the Democratic failure to accomplish real change was the ineffectual leadership in the United States Senate of Majority Leader Harry Reid. Even with his majority, Reid seemed unable to get much done in the Senate. Instead of standing up to the Republicans, he seemed to take every opportunity to knuckle under to their ridiculous demands. It became obvious to me that the Democrats needed new and stronger leadership in the Senate. In other words, they needed to replace Harry Reid.

Then miraculously Reid was able to finally corral enough votes to get the health care reform bill and the re-regulation of Wall Street bill passed (although both were much weaker versions of the changes that were needed). I thought maybe I had been a bit harsh on Reid. Maybe there was some hope for the man as a leader.

Sadly, I was not wrong about Reid. He is not only largely ineffectual but also a political coward who is willing to dump the values of his party (and the Constitution) to try and placate the right and get a few votes.

A few days ago the President stood up on his hind legs and defended the religious freedom in this country guaranteed by the Constitution. He declared that muslims should have the same rights as people of any other religion (meaning they had as much right to build a community center near ground zero as any other religion did). This was a rather brave stand to take, in spite of constitutional guarantees, due to the uproar over this issue orchestrated by the right-wing.

I would have thought that other Democrats, especially among the leadership, would have jumped to the defense of the president and the Constitution. But Harry Reid did not do that. In fact, he took the opposite position agreeing with right-wingers that muslims should not have the right to build their community center a few blocks from where the twin towers once stood. He said he believes in religious freedom, but obviously that is only when it will not cost him some votes.

I'm left to wonder if this political coward ever had any political courage. The sad part of this is that his new position in opposition to the Constitution and the president will only appeal to right-wingers -- people who wouldn't vote for him no matter what he said or did. His cowardice will not get him any votes. It just leaves moderates and liberals wondering if he is worth voting for.

I have to admit that I feel sorry for the voters in Nevada. In the senate race they are left with a choice between a coward and a complete loon. And I'm not at all sure what choice I would prefer they make. On the one hand it is hard to picture a crazy person like Sharron Angle in a seat of power spouting her nonsense. On the other, if Reid is re-elected the Senate Democrats are almost sure to re-elect him as majority leader, dooming Democrats to another few years of cowardly and ineffectual leadership.

Sometimes there just aren't any good choices.

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