Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Robert Gibbs Is An Incompetent Idiot

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs did an incredibly stupid thing the other day. He actually attacked the President's left-wing base -- the same people who got him the presidential nomination and helped him get elected. Gibbs registered his displeasure with those of us on the left by saying that nothing the president did would be good enough to please us.

Gibbs said, "I hear these people saying he's like George Bush. Those people ought to be drug tested. I mean, it's crazy." Is it really crazy? No one on the left thinks President Obama is a carbon copy of George Bush, but when the president continues the failed policies of Bush it is our right to point that out. And quite frankly, I cannot see the difference between the policies of Obama and Bush when it comes to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. If the White House doesn't want to be compared to the Bush administration, then they should change those policies.

Gibbs went on to say, "They will be satisfied when we have Canadian health care and we've eliminated the Pentagon. That's not reality. They wouldn't be satisfied if Dennis Kucinich was president." That's a bit below the belt. No one on the left wants to eliminate the Pentagon (although many of us think some cuts could be made there). And while most of us would have liked to see better health care reform, we have accepted the reform we got (for now).

As for not being happy if Dennis Kucinich was president, that's just a stupid statement. I love Kucinich, but I'm sure I would find some things I disagree with him on -- just like I disagree with President Obama on some things. That does not mean I (or my left-wing brothers and sisters) don't support either man.

Gibbs obviously wants the left-wing to worship Obama the same way the right-wing worshiped Bush and supported everything he did -- no matter how wrong or stupid it was. That's what is not reality. We on the left jealously guard our right to free speech and when we disagree with something we say so, even if it is done by someone we generally like and respect.

I supported Barack Obama in the primaries and during the campaign against John McCain. I voted for him and was proud to celebrate his victory. I have no doubt that I will support him again in 2012. But that does not mean I must keep my mouth shut when he does something I disagree with (and I am very offended by Gibbs' inference that I should). And I am not the only one on the left who feels that way.

Public Policy Polling is releasing a new poll this week regarding left-wing support for the president, and that poll shows Gibbs' idiotic comments were not only unnecessary, but downright wrong. Here's what the left-wing thinks of President Obama (and his health care reform):



And these numbers are not only good, they are steady. There has been no decline in left-wing support for Obama in the last year. They may not agree with everything President Obama has done (as I don't), but their support for the president is solid. What Gibbs did was attack the most solid supporters the president has, and that's just stupid. Even Republicans are smarter than that (just look at how they kiss teabagger butt).

It looks like someone in the White House made it clear to Gibbs just how dumb his statements were, because he later issued a very weak apology. He said, "So we should all, me included, stop fighting each other and arguing about our differences on certain policies, and instead work together to make sure everyone knows what is at stake because we've come too far to turn back now." That sounds like he still hasn't learned his lesson.

The left will remain strong supporters of President Obama, but they will never stifle their own views or agree with things they think are wrong. If Gibbs can't take the heat then he should get out of the kitchen. Then the president can get a competent press secretary.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't necessarily get the sense that Gibbs was out there on his own saying things that the administration didn't support. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm not sure a different press secretary would make a difference. I think these attitudes may be coming from higher up the chain.


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