Sunday, September 05, 2010

Why Did God Make The Bible So Unclear ?

Did you ever wonder why, if god wrote the Bible, he made it so ambiguous and unclear? There are hundreds of christian sects (not to mention many jewish sects), all of whom claim to be the proud possessors of the "truth" which they got from the Bible (which they claim is the word of god). It doesn't take a genius to figure out that they can't all be right since they all disagree with each other, and it gives rise to the question of whether any of them are right.

Maybe the Bible is just a book written by men in an effort to control other men. Surely god would have made himself clearer about what he wanted if he were to write a book. At least that's what Ken Pulliam believes. Dr. Pulliam, who has a PhD in theology from Bob Jones University (one of the most right-wing fundamentalist schools in America), gives us this thought-provoking quote:

"Christians disagree on just about every doctrine there is .. If the Bible is really a revelation from God and if God really loves man and really wants to reconcile man to himself, would he not have made it much clearer how someone is to be saved? I know that if my children were separated from me and I had the opportunity to write them a letter to tell them how to get back to me, I certainly wouldn't do it in parables and language that's ambiguous enough that it can be interpreted a thousand different ways. I would do my best to make it crystal clear how they could find me .. and if I would do that as a finite human being, certainly god being infinite and being omniscient could find a way to do that. So as I looked at the Bible, as I read it, as I studied it I just came to the conclusion that it cannot be from a divine being."

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